#003 comfort, collectively2024 —, ongoing
As the threat of extreme heat grows in desert cities, the concept of a cooling center is vital yet remains largely misunderstood and underutilized. Today's cooling centers are often rudimentary, designated spaces with a sign out front, where any existing building or vast spaces like stadiums or warehouses are transformed temporarily to provide a brief respite from the heat. Such setups, however, fall short of fostering a sense of community or addressing the deeper, ongoing needs of those they serve. Many of these centers lack essential amenities like food, internet, and engaging activities, making it hard for people to imagine spending hours there, no matter how dangerously hot it might be outside.

Collective Comfort explores the potential for a new, integrated approach to community cooling. This exhibit envisions cooling centers not merely as air-conditioned spaces but as hubs of collective comfort that prioritize resilience through social engagement and collective bodily joy. In rethinking these spaces, these design prototypes examine how architecture can foster environments that don’t merely cool but actively bring people together. Drawing inspiration from ancient desert civilizations, where communal interaction and sensory pleasure were crucial, the exhibition reconsiders how design can promote both thermal comfort and community well-being. 

Moving away from the homogeneity of standardized cooling, these designs allow for a range of thermal experiences, inviting visitors to explore how diverse spaces can serve distinct programs. At the heart of this approach is a challenge to the reliance on fossil-fuel-based, single-family home cooling, proposing instead a shift toward collective resilience. Through these spaces, neighborhoods can redefine comfort and deepen their understanding of climate adaptation—creating cooling centers that serve as pillars of social resilience. Through detailed design studies, spatial frameworks, and material prototypes focused on the Phoenix Metro Area, Collective Comfort offers new visions for resilience as part of the cultural and physical landscape. 

Type: Exhibition, Design-Research, Materials
Location: Center for Architecture + Design, San Francisco
Date: Nov 21 — Feb 06, 2024
Team: Liz Gálvez,  Annette Ho, Kyra Johnston, David Lin, Chloe Wang
Photography: Matthew Millman

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